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Medicardium EDTA Chelation Suppositories, 3 Box DISCOUNT, Cleanse, Metal Detox

Original price was: $300.00.Current price is: $270.00.

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“We Live in Toxic Times… But We Don't Have to Live in Toxic Bodies”

If you are looking for the benefits of EDTA, consider suppository Magnesium Di-Potassium EDTA. EDTA has been used for over 50 years to support the body's detoxification of metals like mercury, lead, aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, uranium and nickel.

While orally delivered EDTA is only 5% absorbed due to the effects of the digestive acids, enzymes and foodstuffs on EDTA, suppository EDTA has no such limitation.

In addition, being calcium free, Magnesium Di-Potassium EDTA may also support the body in the mobilization of soft tissue dystrophic calcium.

Why use EDTA Suppositories?

Calcium Accumulation:

As we age, our bones and teeth lose calcium, which may end up into the arteries, muscles, joints and organs.

According to Spencer Feldman, the developer of Medicardium, every cell is activated by calcium. For example, calcium entering a muscle cell enables contraction. This is a good thing. But once the calcium has done its job, the cell has a ‘calcium pump' that pushes the calcium out of the cell. The calcium can then go back to a place it belongs, such as the bones.

As we age, the calcium pumps in our cells become less efficient. The cells have a harder and harder time pumping the used calcium out. Calcium starts to build up in all the places it does not belong. Atherosclerosis, muscle stiffness and arthritis are problems of aging resulting from calcium build up in the soft tissues. Fibromyalgia is an extreme example of the build-up of calcium in the muscles. The ultimate build up of calcium in soft tissues is rigor mortis, when all the cells are flooded with calcium.

Calcium build-up in soft tissues makes us get old and stiff. For example, when calcium builds up in muscle cells, the muscles can't relax; they remain contracted and we become more and more stiff. We can't stretch as well as we used to and often, we are in pain. Much of arteriosclerosis is due to calcium accumulation in the blood vessels. The resulting rigidity of artery walls makes them less resilient to the pressure of blood pumping through them, and more subject to damage. Calcium accumulation in the capillaries is especially insidious. Because capillaries can only let blood cells pass through single file, any plaque prevents blood from getting through. The result is ‘micro-strokes' throughout the body, resulting in widespread cell death. Keeping those capillaries free and clear is one of the most important anti-aging measures you can take. Even worse conditions include kidney stones, gallstones, calcium deposits in prostate, women's' breasts and even in glands like the pituitary. In addition, too much calcium in the blood causes an abnormally increased tendency of the blood to clot! This increased viscosity (thickness) of the blood also causes sluggish circulation.

Spencer Feldman suggests that Medicardium reverses the aging effects of calcium build up in soft tissues. In his explanation, various elements such as calcium, magnesium, lead and aluminum have differing atomic weights. Examples of ‘heavy' metals are lead, mercury, cadmium and aluminum; all are toxic to the body.

‘Lighter' elements include calcium, zinc, magnesium and selenium; these elements are needed by the body but can become toxic under certain circumstances. When calcium migrates from the bones and teeth into the organs and soft tissues, it becomes a toxic metal because it doesn't belong there and it is doing harm.

The magnesium/Di-Potassium EDTA in Medicardium first attaches to calcium, chelating it out of the soft tissues (including the blood). This shifts the calcium balance in the blood, making the body think it has too little calcium. The mechanism to store calcium becomes activated. The EDTA carrying the calcium lets go of the calcium when it bumps into heavier elements such as lead and mercury. The calcium dropped by the EDTA is grabbed by the body and put back in the bones and teeth where it belongs. Meanwhile, the EDTA keeps hold of the toxic heavy metals and safely carries them out of your body.


Every day your heart pumps 1,900 gallons of blood through the 100,000 miles of living pipes that make up your circulatory system. Over the course of your life, your heart will pump some 2 billion times moving 48 million gallons of blood through your arteries, capillaries and veins.

Unfortunately, heart attacks are the leading cause of death in America. Toxins, infections, stress, poor diet and the effects of aging cause the arteries to become brittle and filled with plaque, and blood to thicken and become harder to move.

If you are suffering from circulatory disturbances or simply want to increase and maintain your vitality, then ask your doctor if chelation is right for you.


Each silver filling releases up to 17 mcg of mercury every day. This increases to 500 mcg when the smoking of cigarettes, the drinking of hot liquids, gum chewing, acidic saliva or the grinding of teeth at night. Mercury accumulates in the brain, heart, kidneys and endocrine glands and can cause depression, auto-immune diseases, memory loss, tremors, anemia and heart attack.

EDTA has been scientifically proven to bind to and remove Mercury from the body.


Aluminum can be found in drinking water, antiperspirants, baking powders, feminine hygiene products, cow and soy milk, baby formula, antacids, and of course aluminum foil, pots and pans. It accumulates in the skin, bones, brain and kidneys and can cause Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

EDTA has been scientifically proven to bind to and remove Aluminum from the body.


Lead is found in cosmetics, plastics, batteries, gasoline, insecticides, pottery glaze, soldered pipes, and paint. Lead accumulates in the brain, liver, kidneys and bones. For each 30 mcg of lead in a child's blood, his or her IQ drops 10 points.

EDTA has been scientifically proven to bind to and remove Lead from the body.


Barium compounds are found in soaps, ceramics, paper, glass, plastics, textiles, dyes, fuel additives, rubber, paint and pesticides. Barium toxicity can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

EDTA has been scientifically proven to bind to and remove Barium from the body.


Nickel is found in stainless steel cutlery, pots and pans, coins, dental fillings and batteries. It accumulates in the bones, kidneys, liver, lungs, immune system and the brain, where it can cause genetic damage and cancer.

EDTA has been scientifically proven to bind to and remove Nickel from the body.


Arsenic is found in cigarette smoke, laundry detergents, beer, seafood and drinking water, It can cause headaches, confusion and sleepiness. It can damage the kidneys, liver, and lungs.

EDTA has been scientifically proven to bind to and remove Arsenic from the body.


Exposure to cadmium happens mostly in the workplace where cadmium products are made. The general population is exposed from breathing cigarette smoke or eating cadmium contaminated foods. Cadmium damages the lungs, can cause kidney disease, and may irritate the digestive tract. This substance has been found in at least 776 of the 1,467 National Priorities List sites identified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

EDTA has been scientifically proven to bind to and remove Cadmium from the body.


Uranium is a radioactive element that disintegrates eventually into lead. There has been over 2,000 nuclear detonations on our planet since Hiroshima casting uranium into our atmosphere, not counting events like Three Mile Island and Chernobyl. Radioactive materials can cause cancer and birth defects.

EDTA has been scientifically proven to bind to and remove Uranium from the body.

The Unique Effect of the Medicardium's Magnesium Di-Potassium EDTA

Medicardium EDTA chelation suppositories are specially formulated for health benefits that go beyond removing toxic heavy metals from the body.

Medicardium is a custom-made Magnesium Di-Potassium EDTA formula. Magnesium and potassium alleviate stress, anxiety and body tension, promoting deep relaxation. These minerals, which most of us need more of, also have important anti-aging benefits.

One of the reasons Medicardium has such a relaxing effect is its unique use of Magnesium di-Potassium as an EDTA carrier.

The direct absorption of the magnesium and potassium into the bloodstream re-sets the autonomic nervous system, taking you out of sympathetic mode (‘fight-or-flight' – stress) into parasympathetic (‘rest and digest').

In parasympathetic mode, we feel happier, our bodies can repair and renew, and we digest and absorb food better, and can relax.

Medicardium Protocol Guidelines

Level one: At this level, the client will do 15 boxes of suppositories. This will be the equivalent of the 15 I.V. chelation sessions that Dr. Blumer did when he achieved the 90% decrease in cancer and the 86% decrease in heart attacks. This is for the client who wants to improve his or her health but is mostly interested in avoiding death by these two diseases.

Level two: At this level, the client will take their age in years and subtract twenty (with a minimum of 15). For example, a 52-year-old client would take 32 boxes, but a 25 year old would still do 15). This is for the client that wants to go beyond just avoiding diseases and wants to create a state of vibrant health. This protocol will remove much of the toxic metals and pathologic calcium that has accumulated in their bodies from the time they were conceived. Enzyme pathways may be repaired, blood flow may be restored and the regulatory systems can become more efficient.

Level three: At this level, the client not only wants to create good health, they want to maintain it throughout their entire lives. This protocol involves one suppository every third day for life. In regards to the frequency of suppositories a client may take, there are three levels that a client may choose.

  • Protocol one: If the client is in good health currently, he or she can take one suppository every third day, (one box a month).
  • Protocol two: If the client needs to resolve an immediate crisis (diabetic leg ulcers) or is in pain (fibromyalgia) you may wish to have them take the product every day for a period of time. This will accelerate the effect. When the immediate situation resolves, the client can go to “protocol one” for maintenance.
  • Protocol three: If the client is in immediate life threatening danger (impending coronary) or is about to lose a limb (diabetic complications) you may wish to use the product as often as twice or three times a day for a few days.

While from an ingredient point of view, one box of ten 365 mg suppositories is the equivalent to only one 3 gram I.V., some doctors think that one box has the effect of two 3 gram I.V.'s. This makes sense when you consider the short half-life of EDTA in the body. With a single 3 gram I.V; 95% of the EDTA is gone in 6 hours, whereas with 10 suppositories, the same EDTA is in the body for much longer.


Questions and Answers

How should I store it?

Medicardium can be stored in the refrigerator and should be used when cold.

When should I use it?

Use the suppositories in the evening. Make sure that you have already gone to the bathroom at least once that day before using the suppositories.

What kind of lubrication should I use?

You must use sufficient Vaseline for lubrication or it will sting. Coat the suppository and add a dollop to the tip as well.

How long do I have to hold the suppository in?

80% of the suppository is absorbed within 15 minutes, the rest in 30 minutes. If after 15 minutes you need to go to the bathroom, that's okay, you've already gotten most of the benefit.

Is part of the suppository missing?

When the suppository is made, there is always a bit of air at the bottom of the suppository due to the manufacturing process. If the suppository melts and re-solidifies, then the air bubble can move around the suppository making it look like part is missing. Rest assured, by weight, all the ingredients are there.

Part of the suppository crumbled/broke, what do I do?

We only use cocoa butter as a base in our suppositories. There are no chemical stabilizers used. Because of this, an occasional a suppository may crumble or break. To fix it, simply put the remaining suppositories (still inside their plastic wrapper) in a bowl full of warm water with the points facing down for 5 minutes or until they have become soft. Next put the suppositories in the freezer for 30 minutes.

They will now have reformed and they should be ready to use again. The heating does not affect the ingredients in any way. If you do not wish to do this, call us and we will replace them immediately. We would rather replace the occasional crumbled suppository than add toxic chemical stabilizers.

I feel a mild stinging sensation, what can I do?

EDTA is a salt and like any salt, it can sting an open wound. If you are feeling a stinging sensation, you may have hemorrhoids or a rectal fissure. Dry hard stool can also nick the colon. Make sure the suppository is frozen, and then apply a heavy coating of Vaseline to the suppository before inserting it. If you feel any discomfort, it will usually pass within a few minutes. If not, then wait two days before trying again. You may want to use a hemorrhoid cream as a lubricant.

I'm getting leg cramps, why?

Leg cramps are an indication of calcium deficiency; take the RDA of calcium gluconate in the morning.

Will this cause bone loss?

Chelation has been shown to increase bone mass 1% per year (as opposed to the usual 1% loss per year) due to the action of the parathyroid gland and the stimulation of the osteoblasts.

What supplements should I take along with the chelation?

Along with the toxic metals that chelation removes, it will also remove some calcium, zinc, and chromium. You should take a multi-mineral supplement in the morning to put these minerals back into your body. Since only a small amount is removed, any standard multi-mineral product will be sufficient.

What should I take if I'm working on atherosclerosis (plaque)?

You may wish to add Endosterol to your chelation program.

Why do I feel like I have to go to the bathroom after inserting it?

  1. Your bowel transit time is too slow. A person can go the bathroom every day and still be constipated if what comes out is what went in three days earlier. If this is the case, it should subside in a few days after you have normalized your magnesium levels and your transit time.
  2. You may have mistimed the suppository and didn't use it soon enough after going to the bathroom. Next time, use the suppository immediately after an evacuation. Staying seated will make this easier than walking around. Do not try to hold the suppository in if the urge to evacuate is strong, you could get cramps and nausea from trying to stop the natural peristaltic action of your intestines. Go to the bathroom, and remember next time to insert it after you have already gone to the bathroom.

If you get very loose stools after the suppository you should check to see if you are currently taking any other supplements with magnesium in them. Excess magnesium can cause loose stools even 12 hours later. Remove any other sources of supplemental magnesium from your diet.

I feel nauseous, why?

You may have mistimed the suppository and are trying to hold back passing stools. Another possibility is that your liver is detoxifying, in which case it should resolve after your first few suppositories.

Why do I feel so relaxed?

What you are feeling is your “fight or flight” system turning off.

My urine smells funny, why?

What you are noticing is the smell of the toxins leaving your body. This is normal and will pass.

Supplement Facts

Serving Size: 1 suppository
Servings Per Container: 10
Amount Per Serving
Magnesium Di-Potassium EDTA 365 mg
Suppository Base: Cocoa Butter, White Wax.

Dosage and Use:

  • If the client is in good health currently, he or she can take one suppository every third day, (one box a month).
  • If the client needs to resolve an immediate crisis (diabetic leg ulcers) or is in pain (fibromyalgia) you may wish to have them take the product every day for a period of time. This will accelerate the effect. When the immediate situation resolves, the client can go to “protocol one” for maintenance.
  • If the client is in immediate life threatening danger (impending coronary) or is about to lose a limb (diabetic complications) you may wish to use the product as often as twice or three times a day for a few days.
  • For rectal use only.
  • Use following a bowel movement.
  • Refrigerate before using.
  • To remove suppository, tear the plastic shell lengthwise beginning at the V shaped cut at the pointed end of the suppository.
  • Apply a light coating of Vaseline to the suppository before insertion.
  • Insert suppository past sphincter muscle.
  • Try to wait 15 to 20 minutes before another bowel movement.
  • Broken suppositories may be reheated in their shells in a ziplock bag in warm water until melted and then reformed in refrigerator.
  • Occasional air bubbles in suppository are normal and do not indicate a loss of product.


  • If pregnant or lactating, consult your physician before taking this product
  • Keep out of reach of children
  • Do not exceed recommended dose
  • Do not use if the suppositories are open or damaged.

Note: Storing this product at room temperature will not alter the effectiveness or potency. However a firm suppository is necessary for a comfortable and easy insertion. Therefore we recommend that this product be stored in the refrigerator to maintain firmness. If the suppository does become soft, place the suppository in the refrigerator to achieve the firmness needed for comfortable insertion Avoid excessive heat (80°F). Store in a cool place 8° to 15°C (46° to 59°F) or refrigerate. When using nutritional supplements or nutraceuticals, please inform your physician if you are undergoing treatment for a medical condition healthcare professional.

How To Insert Rectal Suppositories

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Prior to using/inserting suppositories, it is best to attempt to evacuate by attempting to have a bowel movement. We recommend, if possible, that the suppositories be inserted after you have attempted to move your bowels. This helps in the first of the four pharmacokinetic processes: absorption, distribution, metabolism, elimination (Hollenberg & Brody, 1998). If you chose to use a latex glove to insert the suppository, place the glove on the hand you will use to insert the suppository. Gloves are very inexpensive gloves can be purchased at most pharmacies.
  2. Take the suppository out of the refrigerator. The suppositories retain cold so they will be comfortable. By keeping the suppository in the refrigerator, the suppository will be hard and easier to insert. ONLY the DMSA suppository cannot be refrigerated or kept in freezer since the cold decreases potency.
  3. Open plastic suppository shell by pulling apart the 2 tabs located at the tapered end.
  4. If necessary, lubricate the suppository tip with tap water or a lubricant such as K-Y Lubricating Jelly or Vaseline.. If you do not have this lubricant, moisten the SUPPOSITORY with cool tap water. Note that after a shower, insertion is quite easy. Note that the use of the lubricating jelly and/or cool water will hasten the separation of the base material form the nutrients, and thus enhance the absorption process.
  5. Lie on your side with your lower leg straightened out and your upper leg bent forward toward your stomach.
  6. Lift upper buttock to expose the rectal area.
  7. Insert the suppository flat side first (not the tapered end pushing with your finger until it passes the muscular sphincter of the rectum, about 1/2 to 1 inch in infants and 1 inch in adults. ) By inserting the flat end first retention and post insertion comfort is improved. If the suppository is not inserted past this sphincter muscle, the suppository may pop out (see below). The placing of the flat side first into the rectum triggers a reflex contraction of the rectal tissue that causes the suppository to be pulled up into the rectum where it is more comfortably retained.
  8. Hold buttocks together for a few seconds and you are finished!
  9. Discard used materials and wash your hands thoroughly. If you have used a latex glove, pull the glove inside out then discard. Remember, if you have problem with retaining the suppository, a simple strategy to insure retention is to lying down for about 5-15 minutes as this will help you retain the suppository.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This Product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.



Weight 17 oz


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