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Jim’s Liver Cleanse 100 Capsules One Bottle


“A person can’t get cancer if they have a healthy liver.” — Kasper Blond, M.D., 1955 (Expert on the Liver and Cancer. Senior Surgeon, Vienna, Austria) Lung Cancer . . . “A smoker with a healthy liver will hardly become a victim of cancer. This solves the riddle why many heavy smokers never get cancer.” Spontaneous Remissions . . If you could get the liver to regenerate, “a cancer can disintegrate without an operation — and disappear.” Breast Cancer . . . “The cause of death is a slowly increasing liver failure. The cause of breast cancer is NOT in the breast it is in the liver.” The above quotes by Kasper Blond, M.D., 1955

SKU: JLC-1-bottle Categories: ,

“Heal Your Liver and Return to Health”

“Cancer and Liver Problems . ..”

“A person can’t get cancer if they have a healthy liver.” — Kasper Blond, M.D., 1955 (Expert on the Liver and Cancer. Senior Surgeon, Vienna, Austria) Lung Cancer . . . “A smoker with a healthy liver will hardly become a victim of cancer. This solves the riddle why many heavy smokers never get cancer.” Spontaneous Remissions . . If you could get the liver to regenerate, “a cancer can disintegrate without an operation — and disappear.” Breast Cancer . . . “The cause of death is a slowly increasing liver failure. The cause of breast cancer is NOT in the breast it is in the liver.” The above quotes by Kasper Blond, M.D., 1955

Cancer and Liver Problems . . .

“A person can’t get cancer if they have a healthy liver.” — Kasper Blond, M.D., 1955 (Expert on the Liver and Cancer. Senior Surgeon, Vienna, Austria)

Lung Cancer . . .

“A smoker with a healthy liver will hardly become a victim of cancer. This solves the riddle why many heavy smokers never get cancer.”

Spontaneous Remissions . .

If you could get the liver to regenerate, “a cancer can disintegrate without an operation — and disappear.”

Breast Cancer . . .

“The cause of death is a slowly increasing liver failure. The cause of breast cancer is NOT in the breast it is in the liver.”

The above quotes by Kasper Blond, M.D., 1955


“Ninety percent of the people have poor liver function and don’t know it. Liver Problems can lead to: Overweight, fatigue, insomnia, skin problems, vision problems, varicose veins, arthritis, back pain, and even heart problems and diabetes.” –Jim Foley, health researcher

If your liver were 100% healthy, you would hardly be sick a day in your life. That’s a fact! Your liver is a filter — a LIVING FILTER. It filters the toxins and poisons out of your blood and keeps it clean. Clean blood means a disease-free body. The liver is the main detoxifying gland in the body. Many health problems can be traced back to a poor liver, yet few know it.

“One woman purified her liver and lost 15 pounds with zero change in her diet.” –Jim Foley, Health Researcher

As people get older, their liver starts to harden. It gets plugged up with fats. It can’t filter the blood efficiently, so poisons start to accumulate in the blood. That’s when you get sick! A poor liver is the Road To Old Age!

One brilliant medical doctor called the liver “The Gateway to Disease.”


If you have some of the following problems, the chances are strong you have an inefficient liver.

  •  Fatigue
  •  Overweight
  •  Slow Thyroid Activity
  •  Varicose Veins
  •  Heart Problems
  •   Dry Skin
  •  Poor Circulation
  •  Any health problem that won’t go away

Healing Cancer by Healing the Liver

A medical expert on the Liver, Dr. Kasper Blond, was 100% certain that a toxic liver was the #1 cause of cancer. But he went further. He also believed that spontaneous cures of cancer could occur, provided regeneration of the liver took place. Tumors feed on toxins and the liver removes the toxins. Very simple!

Jim's Liver Cleanse, A powerful, Herbal Liver Cleanser

One of the most potent liver purifiers on the market is called Jim's Liver Cleanse — RMA (Really Magical Affects) herbal capsules. It was designed to detoxify and flush the toxins out of the liver. It contains eleven potent herbs: Lion’s tooth, Bayberry, Milk Thistle, Plantain, Great Burr (Burdock), Mountain Grape Root, Carpenter’s Weed, Cleavers, Sandberry (Uva Ursi), Beet Juice and Wild Iris. After a few months on this, you may be stunned at how well you feel.

Testimonials by People Who Took Jim's Liver Cleanse Capsules

Starting to feel great!

“Off and on I got this pain in my side. My eyes and skin often got a little yellow. My wife said I should get serious about my health. A friend suggested I take Jim's Liver Cleanse capsules. After a month, I started to feel better and I don’t even drink beer anymore. I never thought herbs could make such a difference in your health. I’d recommend this to anyone.”

No Operation — Feel Best in Years

“I was having pain under my right rib. I was tired and felt lousy. My daughter insisted I go to a doctor. She said it could be my liver. I started to take Jim's Liver Cleanse capsules and now I feel better than I have in years.”

Felt Better in Just Days

“I haven’t had a drink in years. But every once in a while my liver would act up. My dad used to have liver problems. I tried Jim's Liver Cleanse capsules. Within days I could tell a difference. Within two weeks I was feeling almost as good as new. Whenever I get the slightest indication of pain, I reach for Jim's Liver Cleanse capsules. They really work!”


“Nobody in this chemical society can have a normal liver.” –Canadian Medical Doctor

Why is it that people change their oil filter in their car every 3,000 miles, but when their liver — which is also a filter — gets clogged, they never cleanse it?

Questions and Answers About Jim's Liver Cleanse Capsules

Question: How many capsules of Jim's Liver Cleanse should I take?

Answer: The directions on the bottle of Jim's Liver Cleanse say to take 2 capsules, morning/night 1 hour after meals.

This means to take four capsules per day (2 in the morning 1 hour after breakfast and 2 in the evening 1 hour after eating your last food of the day).

Question: Can I take the capsules just once a day instead of twice a day?

Answer: If you take the capsules just once a day you will only receive the benefits of the capsules for half of the day, which will take cleansing the liver with the capsules twice as long.

Question: Can I double the recommended dose of the capsules and take it just once a day as I seem to always forget to take it at night?

Answer: As the formula is designed to gently stimulate the liver to dump its toxins twice a day (by taking 2 capsules twice per day) it is not recommended to take both morning and night doses at the same time.

If you choose to take a double dose at one time you run the risk of taking more of the herbs than your body can comfortably handle.

Question: Can I take the capsules with food instead of an hour after I eat?

Answer: Taking the capsules with food reduces their effectiveness as they will be broken down in the stomach along with the food and become part of the food, which will significantly change the relationship of the herbs as the herbs have been carefully formulated to detoxify the liver by being taken 1 hour after ingesting food.

Question: Should I take Jim's Liver Cleanse capsules every day from now on?

Answer: Jim's Liver Cleanse capsules are not something you will want to continue taking in the manner directed on the label every day forever.

The herbs in Jim's Liver Cleanse capsules are not like vitamins or minerals.

Jim's Liver Cleanse capsules, taken as directed on the bottle, are best taken for 15 days and then not taken for 15 days and then taken for 15 days and on and off until six bottles have been consumed.

This can be repeated once per year to continue keeping your liver healthy.

Question: Does a cancer patient take Jim's Liver Cleanse capsules differently than someone who does not have cancer?

Answer: In the case of a serious health condition, such as cancer, a person may continue to take 2 capsules a day during the 15 day off cycle.

It is also recommended that a seriously ill person take Jim's Liver Cleanse capsules in the manner directed above continuously until their cancer is in remission.

The reason this is recommended is because the liver is the main organ responsible for getting rid of toxins and while a cancer patient is dissolving their cancer (and thus making toxins much more rapidly than a non-cancerous person) with the pancreatic enzymes (and other enzymes such as serrapeptase, see: http://www.butterflyenzyme.com) their liver needs the continuous support and assistance provided by the herbs in Jim's Liver Cleanse capsules.

It has also been noted that Jim's Liver Cleanse capsules go together very effectively with coffee enemas, which are used several times daily by cancer patients to gently stimulate the liver to dump toxins (coffee enemas are an extremely important part of Dr. Kelley’s regime of taking generous amounts of pancreatic enzymes on and off to dissolve cancer, which is described in his book, One Answer to Cancer).

Question: Is it okay to take Jim’s Colon Pills and Colon Cleanse at the same time that I take Jim's Liver Cleanse capsules?

Answer: Yes. It is important to clean your intestines as well as your liver. The herbs in Jim's Colon Pills capsules and Colon Cleanse capsules are compatible with the herbs in Jim's Liver Cleanse capsules.

The herbs in Jim's Colon Pills and Colon Cleanse capsules will gradually flush out harmful, energy-draining fecal matter decaying inside the large colon. These harmful toxins pollute the blood and internal organs, rob the body of important nutrients, clog the intestines and contaminate the bloodstream.

Question: Do you have a supplement that will cleanse the small intestine?

Answer: Yes. We recommend Okra-Pepsin E3 for cleansing the small intestine.

Pepsin is a protein-digesting enzyme that works on the undigested mucus that builds up in the small intestine of the person who eats meat, does not digest all of it, and has therefore developed a congested condition in their small intestine, which reduces the quantity of nutrients that can be assimilated through the villi of the small intestine.

Okra adheres to the intestinal wall, pepsin digests the encrusted mucus, and the E-3 is a powerful tissue repair factor. The Okra also contains a substance known as allentoin, which is a strong healing factor. If the patient has any irritation in their gastrointestinal tract, this product will heal it.

Jim's Liver Cleanse (RMA*) capsules are available from The Road To Health (800) 651-7080 or www.road-to-health.com

*RMA stands for Really Magical Affects.


Weight 5 oz
Dimensions 4 × 44 in


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